A Comprehensive Guide to Attitudinal and Behavioral Data for User Research

Two brains of thought

Understanding user behavior and preferences is crucial for product owners, founders, and UX researchers in the development and optimization of products and services. To achieve this understanding, two types of data are of paramount importance: attitudinal and behavioral data. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to these two types of data, their differences, and how to use them effectively in user research. By the end of this article, you will have a deeper understanding of both attitudinal and behavioral data, as well as practical strategies for incorporating them into your research and product design decisions.

It is important to understand the differences between attitudinal and behavioral data in order to use them effectively in user research. Attitudinal data can provide insights into users' motivations, needs, and preferences. Behavioral data can provide insights into how users actually use a product or service separately from their perceptions of how they believe they use a service.

In this article, we will discuss the following topics:

  • Attitudinal data: Definition, examples, methods for collecting, best practices for analyzing and interpreting, and how it can inform product design decisions
  • Behavioral data: Definition, examples, methods for collecting, best practices for analyzing and interpreting, and how it can inform product design decisions
  • Differences between attitudinal and behavioral data: Comparison of the two types of data, advantages and disadvantages of each type of data, and examples of how attitudinal and behavioral data can provide different insights into user behavior and preferences
  • Using attitudinal and behavioral data together: Importance of using both types of data in user research, strategies for combining attitudinal and behavioral data to gain a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior and preferences, and examples of how integrating attitudinal and behavioral data can lead to more effective product design decisions
  • Further reading: Find out more and go further in depth on the subject

By offering a comprehensive overview of attitudinal and behavioral data, this guide aims to empower product owners, founders, and UX researchers with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions in product design, ultimately leading to more effective and user-centric products and services. So, let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of attitudinal and behavioral data in user research.

Attitudinal Data, Examples & Methods

In the context of user research, attitudinal data refers to the qualitative information collected about users' subjective opinions, feelings, beliefs, and preferences regarding a product, service, or experience. Attitudinal data aims to uncover users' thoughts, motivations, and perceptions, which can help researchers understand the users' mindset and emotional responses to various aspects of a product or service. This type of data is crucial for identifying potential issues, informing design decisions, and enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

Examples of Attitudinal Data

Some examples of attitudinal data include:

  • User satisfaction: A key metric that measures how pleased users are with a product or service. This can be assessed through ratings, reviews, customer experience reports, and direct feedback.
  • Product preferences: Understanding which features or aspects of a product users prefer or value most can help inform design decisions and prioritize development efforts.
  • Perceived ease of use: Users' perception of how easy or difficult a product is to use can be instrumental in identifying usability issues and areas for improvement.
  • Brand perception: Gauging users' opinions and feelings about a brand can help identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in brand messaging and positioning.
  • Expectations and motivations: Understanding users' expectations and motivations for using a product or service can help tailor the user experience and ensure the product meets their needs.

Attitudinal data can be used to inform product design decisions in a number of ways. For example, it can be used to:

  • Identify features that users find valuable
  • Identify areas where users are dissatisfied
  • Develop marketing and promotional campaigns that appeal to users' needs and wants
  • Improve the overall user experience

Methods for Collecting Attitudinal Data

This is not an exhaustive list of methods, but a sampling. For the most part, any qualitative methods will gather attitudinal data.

  • Surveys and questionnaires: One of the most common methods for gathering attitudinal data, surveys and questionnaires allow users to share their opinions, feelings, and preferences in a structured manner. Be sure to use clear and unbiased questions to encourage honest and accurate responses.
  • Interviews: Conducting one-on-one interviews with users can provide deeper insights into their attitudes and feelings about a product or service. This qualitative approach allows for more in-depth conversations and exploration of specific topics.
  • Focus groups: A focus group consists of a moderated discussion with a small group of users. This method can help uncover common themes, opinions, and preferences among users, as well as generate new ideas for improvements or additions to a product.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS is a simple metric that measures user satisfaction and loyalty by asking users how likely they are to recommend a product or service to others. While not as in-depth as other methods, NPS can be a useful benchmark for gauging overall user sentiment.
  • User diaries or journals: By asking users to document their experiences, thoughts, and feelings while using a product or service over a period of time, you can gain insights into their attitudes and preferences in a more natural context.
  • Ethnographic studies: These are immersive, qualitative research methods that involve observing and interacting with users in their natural environment to gain a deep understanding of their behaviors, motivations, and cultural context.

Attitudinal data is an important tool for user research. It can be used to gain a deeper understanding of users' thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about a product or service. This information can then be used to inform product design decisions and improve the overall user experience.

Best Practices for Analyzing and Interpreting Attitudinal Data

Analyzing and interpreting attitudinal data can be a complex process, as it often involves subjective opinions and feelings. However, there are some best practices you can follow to ensure meaningful insights and accurate interpretations:

  1. Define clear research objectives: Before analyzing the data, establish clear research goals and objectives that outline the specific insights you aim to gain from the attitudinal data.
  2. Organize and categorize data: Organize the data by categorizing it based on themes, patterns, or commonalities that emerge. Grouping similar responses can help you identify trends and patterns more easily.
  3. Use multiple data sources: To get a more comprehensive understanding of users' attitudes, consider using multiple data sources and collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Triangulating data from different sources can help validate and strengthen your findings.
  4. Look for trends and patterns: Analyze the data to identify trends, patterns, or recurring themes. Keep an eye out for any consistent opinions or preferences, as well as any outliers or contradictions.
  5. Quantify qualitative data: Where possible, quantify the qualitative data by assigning numerical values or using scales to represent the intensity of opinions or preferences. This can help you identify the most common or strongest attitudes among users.
  6. Be objective and avoid bias: When analyzing and interpreting attitudinal data, it is essential to remain objective and avoid letting personal biases influence your understanding. Keep an open mind and consider multiple perspectives while interpreting the data.
  7. Validate findings with stakeholders: Share your findings and interpretations with other team members, stakeholders, or subject matter experts to ensure that your conclusions are accurate and well-founded.
  8. Contextualize the data: Keep in mind the context in which the data was collected, such as the target audience, sample size, and data collection methods. This can help you assess the reliability and generalizability of the findings.
  9. Draw actionable insights: Identify actionable insights from the analysis that can inform design decisions, improve user experience, and address users' needs and preferences. Clearly communicate these insights to relevant stakeholders.
  10. Continuously iterate and refine: Analyzing and interpreting attitudinal data should be an ongoing process. Continuously collect and analyze new data to validate, refine, and expand your understanding of users' attitudes and preferences.

How Attitudinal Data Can Inform Product Design Decisions

Attitudinal data can inform product design decisions in several ways by providing insights into users' subjective opinions, preferences, and experiences. By understanding users' attitudes, product teams can create tailored solutions that address specific needs, desires, and expectations. Some ways in which attitudinal data can inform product design decisions include:

  • Prioritizing features: By understanding which features or aspects of a product users value the most, product teams can prioritize development efforts and allocate resources more effectively.
  • Improving usability: Attitudinal data can highlight areas where users find a product difficult to use or navigate, allowing designers to focus on enhancing the overall usability and user experience.
  • Addressing pain points: Attitudinal data can reveal pain points, frustrations, or challenges faced by users. Identifying and addressing these issues can improve user satisfaction and retention.
  • Tailoring the user experience: By understanding users' motivations, expectations, and preferences, product teams can design a more personalized and relevant user experience, ensuring that the product meets the specific needs of different user segments.
  • Discovering the why of a behavior: By learning users’ thought processes and attitudes, researchers can better understand the motivations behind behavioral data. This can explain the causes for low usage, or unexpected behaviors.
  • Refining messaging and positioning: Attitudinal data can provide insights into users' perceptions of a brand, product, or service, allowing product teams to refine their messaging, positioning, and marketing strategies to better resonate with their target audience.
  • Identifying opportunities for innovation: Users' opinions and preferences can reveal unmet needs or desires, providing opportunities for product teams to innovate and develop new features or solutions that cater to those needs.
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty: By incorporating users' feedback and addressing their concerns, product teams can improve customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty.

Attitudinal data offers valuable insights and can help product teams make informed design decisions that cater to users' needs, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and more user-centric and successful products.

Behavioral Data, Examples, & Methods

Behavioral data refers to the objective information collected about users' actions, interactions, and behaviors while using a product or service. This type of data helps product teams understand how users engage with a product, what features they use, and how they navigate through the user interface. By analyzing behavioral data, researchers can identify patterns, trends, and potential areas for improvement in the user experience.

Examples of Behavioral Data

Some examples of behavioral data in user research include:

  • Clickstream and funnel data: This data captures the sequence of clicks or interactions a user performs while using a website or application. Clickstream data can reveal user navigation patterns, frequently accessed features, and potential bottlenecks in the user journey.
  • Time spent on pages or tasks: Tracking the time users spend on specific pages or tasks can help identify areas where users may be struggling, losing interest, or encountering issues.
  • Conversion rates: Conversion rates measure the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Analyzing conversion rates can help identify barriers to user engagement and areas for optimization.
  • Usage frequency: Monitoring how often users engage with a product or specific features can provide insights into user habits, preferences, and the overall value of the product.
  • Visit and UI duration: How long are users using your product or service or viewing/using a specific screen.
  • Bounce rate: The bounce rate represents the percentage of users who leave a website or application after viewing only one page or screen. A high bounce rate may indicate issues with usability, content, or user engagement.
  • Pogo-stick behavior: Observing where users quickly navigate to, and then reverse their navigation can expose poorly labeled buttons and menu items.
  • Abandoned tasks or processes: Tracking instances where users abandon tasks or processes midway can help identify pain points, confusion, or usability issues that hinder user progress.
  • Error rates: Monitoring the frequency of errors or issues encountered by users can reveal problematic areas in a product's design, functionality, or usability.
  • Session recording: These recordings capture users' interactions with a website or app in real time, providing a detailed overview of how they use the product.
  • Search logs: This is useful to know if users are searching for topics that you either believe are called out in your navigation, or have not been included yet.

Collecting and analyzing behavioral data, product teams will gain a deeper understanding of how users interact with their product or service, and continuously collect data asynchronously. This is a key benefit of this form of data, although setup may take significant effort, once it’s running it is often continuous and will run while you do other work.

Methods for Collecting Behavioral Data in User Research

Various research methods can be employed to collect behavioral data in user research. These methods help product teams observe and understand users' actions, interactions, and navigation patterns while using a product or service. Some of the most common methods for collecting behavioral data include:

  • Usability testing: In usability testing, participants interact with a product or prototype while researchers observe their actions, behaviors, and difficulties they may encounter. This method can help identify usability issues, user preferences, and areas for improvement.
  • Application analytics: Web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, track and analyze user interactions on a website, such as page views, bounce rates, time spent on pages, task completion times, and clickstream data. This information can provide valuable insights into user behavior and engagement.
  • Heatmaps: Heatmaps visualize user interactions on a website or app, such as clicks, taps, and scrolling behavior. By showing which areas receive the most interaction, heatmaps can help identify popular features, navigation patterns, and potential areas for optimization.
  • A/B testing: A/B testing involves comparing two different versions of a web page, feature, or design element to determine which one performs better in terms of user engagement, conversion rates, or other metrics. This method allows researchers to make data-driven decisions about design changes based on user behavior.
  • Session recordings: Session recordings capture users' actions and interactions with a website or application in real-time. By observing how users navigate and engage with a product, researchers can identify usability issues, user preferences, and areas for improvement.
  • Log analysis: Log files generated by servers or applications can be analyzed to extract information about user behavior, such as usage patterns, error rates, and engagement metrics. This data can help identify trends, potential issues, and areas for optimization.
  • Eye tracking: Eye tracking technology measures users' eye movements, fixations, and gaze patterns while they interact with a product. This method can provide insights into what users focus on, how they read content, and how their attention is distributed across a page or interface.
  • User surveys and questionnaires: While primarily used for collecting attitudinal data, surveys and questionnaires can also include questions about users' behaviors, habits, and experiences with a product or service.
  • 5-second tests: The 5-second test is a usability method to evaluate users’ first impressions of a UI. These tests can show how clearly call-to-actions or navigation are to users.

Product teams can collect behavioral data that provides insights into how users interact with a product or service, helping to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement in the user experience.

Best Practices for Analyzing & Interpreting Behavioral Data

Analyzing and interpreting behavioral data provides valuable insights into user interactions and experiences with a product or service. Some of the steps for analyzing behavioral data are the same as attitudinal data. To ensure accurate and meaningful analysis, follow these best practices:

  1. Set clear goals and objectives: Before analyzing behavioral data, establish the specific insights and outcomes you want to achieve. This will help you focus on relevant data and streamline the analysis process.
  2. Use the right tools: Select appropriate tools and software for analyzing behavioral data, such as web analytics platforms, data visualization tools, and statistical software. Choose tools that are suitable for your organization's needs and skillset.
  3. Clean and preprocess data: Ensure that your data is clean, accurate, and well-structured before analysis. This may involve removing duplicates, filling in missing values, and correcting errors.
  4. Combine data sources: Integrating behavioral data with other data sources, such as demographic or attitudinal data, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior and preferences.
  5. Segment data: Group users into meaningful segments based on their behavior, demographics, or other attributes. This can help you identify trends and patterns specific to different user groups, allowing for more targeted design and marketing strategies.
  6. Apply statistical analysis: Use appropriate statistical techniques to identify patterns, trends, and correlations in the data. This can help you uncover significant relationships and insights that may not be immediately apparent.
  7. Visualize data: Create visual representations of the data, such as charts, graphs, and heatmaps, to help you better understand patterns and trends. Data visualization can also make it easier to communicate your findings to stakeholders.
  8. Monitor performance metrics: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your organization's goals and objectives, such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and user engagement metrics. Regularly monitoring these KPIs can help you identify areas for improvement and measure the impact of changes.
  9. Share insights with stakeholders: Clearly communicate your findings, insights, and recommendations to relevant stakeholders, such as product managers, designers, and marketers. This can facilitate informed decision-making and help drive improvements to the product or service.
  10. Continuously iterate and refine: Analyzing and interpreting behavioral data should be an ongoing process. Regularly review and update your analysis methods, data sources, and

Following these best practices, you can effectively analyze and interpret behavioral data, leading to more informed decision-making and a better understanding of user interactions and experiences.

How Behavioral Data Can Inform Product Design Decisions

By sharing insights from behavioral data, product owners, researchers, designers, and business stakeholders can make data-driven decisions that improve the user experience and drive better business outcomes. Here's how behavioral data informs product design decisions:

  • Identifying usability issues: Behavioral data, such as time spent on tasks, error rates, and abandoned processes, can help identify areas where users struggle or face usability challenges. Designers can then address these issues and improve the overall user experience.
  • Optimizing user flows and navigation: Analyzing clickstream data, session recordings, and heatmaps can reveal user navigation patterns, helping designers create more intuitive user flows and improve the discoverability of key features or content.
  • Prioritizing feature development: By understanding which features users engage with the most and the least, product owners can prioritize feature development or improvements and allocate resources more effectively, focusing on features that drive user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Personalization and customization: Segmenting users based on their behavior can help teams design more personalized and targeted experiences, catering to the specific needs and preferences of different user groups.
  • Enhancing user engagement: Analyzing user behavior data, such as usage frequency and session duration, can provide insights into what drives user engagement. This information can help teams design features and experiences that keep users engaged and encourage them to return.
  • Improving conversion rates: By examining behavioral data related to conversion rates, teams can identify barriers or friction points in the user journey and make design improvements that drive higher conversions, resulting in better business outcomes.
  • A/B testing and experimentation: Behavioral data can be used to measure the impact of design changes through A/B testing, helping teams make data-driven decisions about design iterations and improvements.
  • ROI on User Experience: Tracking changes in user behavior over time also allows teams to show the return on investment (ROI) of user experience work.
  • Evaluating design effectiveness: Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) related to user behavior can help teams measure the effectiveness of design changes and ensure that they align with business goals and objectives.
  • Informing content strategy: Analyzing user behavior data can reveal which content types or topics resonate most with users, helping teams create more relevant and engaging content that meets users' needs.
  • Stakeholder communication: Behavioral data can serve as evidence to support design decisions, making it easier for designers and researchers to communicate the rationale behind their choices to stakeholders and gain buy-in.

Leveraging behavioral data, product teams can make informed decisions with fewer assumptions that lead to better-designed products and services, ultimately resulting in improved user satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Differences Between Attitudinal and Behavioral Data

In user research, understanding the differences between attitudinal and behavioral data is essential for gaining comprehensive insights into user behavior, preferences, and experiences. Both types of data offer unique perspectives and can significantly contribute to the design and improvement of products and services. This section will delve into the distinctions between attitudinal and behavioral data, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages, and illustrating how they can provide different insights when used in conjunction. By comparing these two types of data, we aim to provide a better understanding of their respective strengths and limitations, and emphasize the importance of utilizing both approaches for a comprehensive understanding of users' needs, ultimately leading to more informed product design decisions.

Comparison of the Two Types of Data

When comparing attitudinal and behavioral data in user research, consider the following key points:

  • Nature of data: Attitudinal data represents users' subjective opinions, feelings, and perceptions, while behavioral data reflects objective actions, interactions, and behaviors during product usage.
  • Data collection methods: Attitudinal data is often collected through moderated research methods like surveys, interviews, and focus groups, whereas behavioral data is gathered using unmoderated methods like usability testing, web analytics, heatmaps, session recordings, and log analysis.
  • Scope of insights: Attitudinal data provides insights into users' motivations, preferences, thought processes, and pain points, while behavioral data reveals how users actually interact with a product, including navigation patterns, feature usage, and engagement levels.
  • Context and interpretation: Attitudinal data may require more context and interpretation to understand users' feelings and opinions, while behavioral data tends to be more straightforward, revealing tangible actions and interactions. However, attitudinal methods often reveal the context of users’ actions, when behavioral data does not. This is a key point for using mixed methods to merge the two data types.
  • Predictive power: Behavioral data often has stronger predictive power, as it reflects actual user behavior, whereas attitudinal data can be influenced by various factors, such as social desirability bias or users' inability to accurately predict their future actions.
  • Validation and consistency: Behavioral data can help validate or challenge attitudinal data, as users' actions may not always align with their stated preferences or opinions. While attitudinal data can help explain what is being observed in behavioral data and narrow in on solutions more efficiently.
  • Flexibility in analysis: Attitudinal data can be analyzed using qualitative or quantitative methods, while behavioral data is typically analyzed using quantitative techniques, such as statistical analysis or data visualization.
  • Ethical considerations: Collecting and analyzing behavioral data may raise more privacy and consent concerns than attitudinal data, as it often involves tracking users' actions and interactions in real-time. Most methods for collecting attitudinal data require explicit cooperation from participants, where behavioral data collection may happen without their knowledge.

These key points highlight the unique contributions of both attitudinal and behavioral data and effectively utilize them to gain a comprehensive understanding of users' needs, preferences, and experiences.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Type of Data

For Attitudinal Data:


  • Reveals motivations and preferences: Attitudinal data helps uncover users' motivations, preferences, and expectations, providing insights into why users make certain choices or have specific preferences.
  • Uncovers pain points and satisfaction levels: By gathering users' opinions and feelings, attitudinal data can highlight pain points, areas of satisfaction, and potential improvements from the users' perspective.
  • Rich qualitative insights: Attitudinal data often provides rich, in-depth qualitative insights that can help researchers understand users' emotions, thought processes, and decision-making.
  • Easy to collect remotely: Attitudinal data can be easily collected remotely through online surveys, interviews, or diary studies, making it accessible and cost-effective.
  • Easier to start gathering: Although good qualitative skills take time to cultivate, there are few specialty tools needed to get started. There’s as much need for integration or time from other teams to set up.
  • Great for discovery: Due to the broad research data you collect, methods collecting attitudinal data often can uncover more insights than the focus of the research.
  • Explains behavioral data: Behavioral data rarely comes with the “why” behind it, so taking action could still be based on assumptions. By using attitudinal data you can reduce risky assumptions.


  • Subject to bias: Attitudinal data may be influenced by various biases, such as social desirability bias or recall bias, affecting the accuracy and reliability of the data.
  • Limited predictive power: Users' stated preferences or opinions may not always align with their actual behavior, reducing the predictive power of attitudinal data.
  • Requires skilled interpretation: Analyzing attitudinal data often requires skilled interpretation to extract meaningful insights, as it can be influenced by various factors and may lack context.
  • Attitudinal data can be overwhelming: Any qualitative method tends to generate a lot of unstructured data. Pulling out insights and organizing them for analysis, and future work takes great care. Especially over time.

For Behavioral Data:


  • Objective insights: Behavioral data provides objective, factual information about users' actions and interactions, revealing how they actually use a product or service.
  • Strong predictive power: Behavioral data tends to have stronger predictive power, as it reflects actual user behavior rather than self-reported preferences or opinions.
  • Quantifiable metrics: Behavioral data often yields quantifiable metrics that can be easily tracked, analyzed, and compared, facilitating data-driven decision-making.
  • Validates or challenges attitudinal data: By comparing users' actions with their stated preferences or opinions, behavioral data can help validate or challenge attitudinal data, providing a more accurate understanding of user behavior.


  • Lacks context: Behavioral data may lack context, making it difficult to understand why users exhibit certain behaviors or make specific choices. Where are they during the behavior? What else is going on in their environment?
  • Ethical and privacy concerns: Collecting and analyzing behavioral data may raise privacy and consent concerns, as it often involves tracking users' actions and interactions in real-time.
  • Requires specialized tools: Gathering and analyzing behavioral data often requires specialized tools and software, such as web analytics platforms or session recording tools, which can be costly and require technical expertise.
  • Requires setup and integration: Often, behavioral tools need to be integrated with the product or setup in some service process. This can require additional time, scheduling, and effort by other teams. For instance the development team. This integration could introduce bugs, defects, and performance issues.
  • Security concerns: Besides the normal security considerations to adding 3rd party tooling, some customer environments may not allow the necessary communication for analytics tools.

Although organizations often heavily lean on certain methods like analytics for their decision making, this creates a massive blindspot when understanding your users. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of both attitudinal and behavioral data, researchers can make informed decisions about which type of data to prioritize and how to best leverage each type of data in their user research.

Examples Attitudinal and Behavioral Data Providing Different Insights

Attitudinal and behavioral data can provide different insights into user behavior and preferences, as they capture distinct aspects of user experience. Here are some examples that demonstrate the different, but complementary nature of these two types of data:

Feature prioritization:

  • Attitudinal data: Users might express their preferences for certain features or functionality during interviews or surveys, which can inform product teams about desired improvements or new features.
  • Behavioral data: By analyzing usage patterns, product teams can identify which features are most frequently used or underutilized, providing an objective view of user preferences and guiding feature prioritization.

Usability issues:

  • Attitudinal data: Users may report difficulties or frustrations when using specific aspects of a product in surveys, focus groups, or interviews, highlighting potential usability issues.
  • Behavioral data: Usability testing, heatmaps, or session recordings can reveal areas where users struggle to complete tasks, abandon processes, or make repeated errors, providing objective evidence of usability issues.

User satisfaction:

  • Attitudinal data: Users can provide feedback on their overall satisfaction with a product or service through surveys or interviews, which can help gauge user sentiment and identify areas for improvement.
  • Behavioral data: Metrics such as time spent on the platform, frequency of use, or user retention rates can serve as proxies for user satisfaction, offering an objective view of user engagement and loyalty.

Content strategy:

  • Attitudinal data: Users might express their opinions on the relevance, usefulness, or appeal of specific content during interviews, focus groups, or surveys, informing content strategy decisions. Difficulties in understanding content, terms, or videos may be observed here.
  • Behavioral data: By analyzing metrics like page views, bounce rates, or time spent on specific content, product teams can identify which content types or topics are most consumed by users, providing data-driven insights to guide future content strategy.

Conversion optimization:

  • Attitudinal data: Users may report barriers or pain points during the conversion process, such as confusing navigation or unclear calls-to-action, in interviews or surveys, highlighting areas for improvement. They may express dissatisfaction with your product or related 3rd party products during interviews.
  • Behavioral data: Analyzing funnel metrics, such as drop-off rates or abandoned carts, can reveal friction points in the user journey for your product only, helping product teams make data-driven improvements to drive higher conversions.

When using both attitudinal and behavioral data, researchers gain a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior and preferences.

Using Attitudinal and Behavioral Data Together

In user research, a holistic approach that combines both attitudinal and behavioral data offers invaluable insights into user behavior, preferences, and experiences. This section will explore the importance of using these two types of data in tandem, emphasizing how this comprehensive approach can lead to more effective and data-driven product design decisions. We will discuss strategies for integrating attitudinal and behavioral data, enabling product teams to obtain a well-rounded understanding of user needs and expectations. Furthermore, we will provide real-world examples that demonstrate the power of combining these data sources, showcasing how this integration can result in more informed, user-centric design decisions that ultimately improve the user experience and drive better business outcomes.

Importance of Using Both Types of Data in User Research

Combining attitudinal and behavioral data in user research provides a comprehensive understanding of user needs, preferences, and experiences, leading to more informed and effective product design decisions. By integrating these complementary data sources, researchers can make more informed and effective product design decisions, uncover hidden opportunities, and optimize product features to better cater to users' unique needs and preferences.

  • Comprehensive understanding of user needs and preferences: Using both attitudinal and behavioral data in user research provides a more complete picture of users' experiences, motivations, preferences, and pain points. Attitudinal data helps researchers understand the "why" behind users' choices, while behavioral data provides objective evidence of how users interact with a product or service. This comprehensive understanding enables researchers to make more informed and user-centric design decisions.
  • Validation and triangulation: Attitudinal and behavioral data can complement and validate each other. For instance, users might express certain preferences or opinions in surveys or interviews (attitudinal data), but their actual behavior (behavioral data) might not align with these stated preferences. Behavioral data rarely includes the “why” behind actions, interviews of selected user segments can answer this. By comparing the two types of data, researchers can identify discrepancies, validate findings, and gain a more accurate understanding of user behavior, ultimately leading to better design decisions.
  • Identification of hidden opportunities and challenges: Combining attitudinal and behavioral data can help researchers uncover hidden opportunities and challenges that might not be apparent when examining each type of data in isolation. For example, behavioral data might reveal high user engagement with a specific feature, but attitudinal data might indicate dissatisfaction with the feature's user experience. By analyzing both types of data, researchers can identify areas for improvement or innovation, leading to enhanced user experiences and more effective product design.
  • Enhanced predictive power: Combining attitudinal and behavioral data can improve the predictive power of user research, helping researchers better anticipate user needs, preferences, and future behaviors. While attitudinal data may be influenced by various factors such as social desirability bias or memory recall, behavioral data provides objective evidence of actual user actions, making it a more reliable predictor of user behavior.
  • Greater confidence in decision-making: Utilizing both attitudinal and behavioral data can provide a more robust evidence base for product design decisions. Having access to complementary insights from both types of data can increase researchers' and stakeholders' confidence in the research findings, ensuring that design decisions are well-informed and data-driven.
  • Better segmentation and personalization: Using both attitudinal and behavioral data can help researchers create more accurate user segments, leading to better-targeted marketing and personalization efforts. Attitudinal data can reveal users' motivations, preferences, and attitudes, while behavioral data can show patterns of product usage and engagement. By combining these insights, researchers can develop more nuanced user personas and create tailored experiences that cater to each segment's unique needs and preferences.
  • More effective iteration and optimization: Combining attitudinal and behavioral data can help researchers identify areas for improvement and optimize product features more effectively. Attitudinal data can provide feedback on users' perceived experiences and expectations, while behavioral data can reveal how users interact with the product in real-time. By analyzing both types of data, researchers can pinpoint areas where the product can be improved, iterate on design solutions, and measure the impact of these changes on user behavior and satisfaction.

Strategies for Combining Attitudinal and Behavioral Data to Gain a Comprehensive Understanding of User Behavior

Implementing these strategies, researchers can successfully combine attitudinal and behavioral data to gain a comprehensive understanding of user behavior, leading to better product design decisions:

  • Align research objectives: Begin by clearly defining the research objectives and determining how both attitudinal and behavioral data can contribute to achieving these objectives. Identify the specific insights that each type of data can provide and ensure they complement and support each other.
  • Integrate research methods: Design your research methodology to include a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods that capture both attitudinal and behavioral data. For example, combine surveys or interviews (attitudinal data) with usability testing, heatmaps, or web analytics (behavioral data) to capture a comprehensive view of user behavior.
  • Develop user personas: Utilize both attitudinal and behavioral data to create detailed user personas that reflect users' motivations, preferences, and actual behavior patterns. This approach allows your stakeholders to better understand your target audience and tailor your product design to meet their needs and expectations.
  • Compare and contrast findings: Regularly compare and contrast the findings from attitudinal and behavioral data sources to identify discrepancies, validate insights, and uncover hidden opportunities. This practice helps to ensure that design decisions are based on a comprehensive understanding of user behavior.
  • Map user journeys: Create user journey maps that incorporate both attitudinal and behavioral data to provide a holistic view of user experiences throughout their interactions with your product or service. This can help identify pain points, friction areas, and opportunities for improvement, guiding design decisions.
  • Iterate and measure impact: Use attitudinal and behavioral data to inform design iterations and measure the impact of changes on user behavior and satisfaction. Continuously track and analyze both types of data to monitor progress, optimize features, and validate design decisions.
  • Foster collaboration and communication: Encourage collaboration and communication between team members who specialize in different research methods or data sources. Sharing insights and discussing findings from both attitudinal and behavioral data can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior and preferences, ultimately resulting in better product design decisions.

Examples of Integrating Attitudinal and Behavioral Data to More Effective Product Designs

  • Improving onboarding experience: Attitudinal data from user interviews might reveal that new users find the onboarding process confusing or overwhelming. By analyzing behavioral data, such as user drop-off rates or time spent on each onboarding step, designers can identify specific pain points and iterate on the onboarding process to create a more seamless and user-friendly experience.
  • Enhancing website navigation: User surveys (attitudinal data) may indicate that users struggle to find specific information on a website. By examining clickstream data, heatmap analysis, or scroll depth (behavioral data), designers can identify areas where users struggle with navigation and reorganize the site layout or menu structure to improve usability and user satisfaction.
  • Improving user workflows: Customer support tickets might show a high incident rate (attitudinal) of complaints around a workflow like password reset. First ensure there are adequate analytics and event reporting for the workflow (behavioral) to show clickstream data to see where there is drop-off in the workflow.
  • Reviewing unused features: Behavioral data like usage rates or page views can show little or unused areas of your application. Doing moderated user interviews and usability testing can highlight whether there’s a problem with discoverability or usability that is preventing usage. Surveys could provide further data about user need for the feature. Unused features incur support costs for teams regardless of usage.
  • Optimizing feature prioritization: Users might express a preference for certain features or functionality during interviews or surveys (attitudinal data). By analyzing usage patterns and feature engagement (behavioral data), product teams can prioritize the most valuable features for development, ensuring that they meet user needs and preferences.
  • Resolving usability issues: Attitudinal data from focus groups might reveal that users experience difficulties when using specific aspects of a product. By conducting usability testing or analyzing session recordings (behavioral data), designers can identify areas where users struggle to complete tasks and iterate on the design to address these issues, improving overall usability and user satisfaction.
  • Personalizing content or recommendations: User feedback (attitudinal data) can provide insights into preferences for specific types of content or products. By analyzing user behavior, such as browsing history or click patterns (behavioral data), designers can develop personalized recommendations or content experiences that cater to individual preferences and improve engagement.
  • Refining call-to-action (CTA) buttons: User feedback from surveys (attitudinal data) might suggest that CTAs are unclear or not compelling. By analyzing click-through rates, conversion rates, or A/B testing results (behavioral data), designers can refine the CTA copy, design, or placement to increase user engagement and conversion rates.
  • Streamlining checkout process: Attitudinal data, such as user feedback on the checkout process, might reveal pain points or barriers to conversion. By analyzing funnel metrics, cart abandonment rates, or user testing results (behavioral data), designers can identify friction points and iterate on the checkout process to create a smoother and more efficient user experience, ultimately increasing conversions and revenue.

Merging data types is not always the best solution for every research question. However, for many a mixed approach can provide more thorough insights.


In conclusion, understanding the differences and synergies between attitudinal and behavioral data is crucial for conducting effective user research and making well-informed product design decisions. Attitudinal data provides insights into users' thoughts, feelings, and preferences, while behavioral data offers objective evidence of how users interact with a product or service. To maximize the benefits of user research, it's essential to integrate both types of data, leveraging their complementary insights to create a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and preferences.

Key takeaways and best practices for using both types of data effectively in product design decisions include aligning research objectives, integrating research methods, developing user personas, comparing and contrasting findings, mapping user journeys, iterating and measuring impact, and fostering collaboration and communication among team members.

As a final thought, it's important to recognize that integrating attitudinal and behavioral data in user research is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation. By staying up-to-date with the latest research methodologies and best practices, product teams can ensure that their user research efforts continue to provide valuable insights that drive user-centric design decisions.

Further Reading: